Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads for Remodeling Companies: Which is the Best Fit?

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads for Remodeling Companies: Which is the Best Fit?

When it comes to digital advertising, remodeling companies have two heavyweights to consider: Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads. Both platforms offer incredible potential for reaching new clients, but each has its strengths depending on where your potential customers are in their decision-making process. So, which one is right for your business?

In this blog, we’ll compare Google Ads and Facebook Ads to help you determine when and how to use each platform effectively, with the goal of setting your remodeling business up for success.

The Basics of Google Ads


Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform where businesses bid on keywords to show their ads at the top of search results. This means your ad appears when potential clients are actively searching for services you offer, such as “kitchen remodel near me” or “bathroom renovation contractor.”

Benefits of Google Ads for Remodeling Companies


1. High Intent
One of the most significant advantages of Google Ads is the intent behind searches. When homeowners search for remodeling services, they’re usually ready to start a project or at least gather information. Google Ads captures this high intent, making it one of the best platforms for generating quality leads.

2. Targeting Based on Keywords
Google Ads allows you to bid on specific keywords relevant to your remodeling business. For example, you can target terms like “whole home remodel” or “kitchen renovations,” ensuring that your ad is shown to users who are specifically looking for those services.

3. Local Targeting
Remodeling is a highly localized business. Google Ads allows you to target homeowners in your service area, making it easier to reach the right audience. You can even use geo-targeting to focus your ads on a specific city or neighborhood.

4. Measurable ROI
With Google Ads, you pay only when someone clicks on your ad, making it easy to track your ROI. You can measure performance by tracking conversions, such as website visits, form submissions, or phone calls, giving you a clear picture of how your ad spend is performing.

Best Stage for Google Ads in the Customer Journey


Google Ads is most effective when homeowners are in the consideration or decision-making stage of the customer journey. They’re actively searching for services, comparing remodeling companies, and narrowing down their choices. With high-intent searches, Google Ads gives you a direct path to connect with potential clients when they’re ready to act.

The Basics of Facebook Ads


Facebook Ads is a paid social media advertising platform that allows you to create highly visual and engaging ads that appear in users’ news feeds. Unlike Google Ads, Facebook Ads are more about reaching potential clients who aren’t actively searching for your services but could be interested based on their behaviors, interests, or demographics.

Benefits of Facebook Ads for Remodeling Companies


1. Broad Audience Targeting
Facebook’s detailed targeting options let you reach homeowners based on a wide range of factors, including location, age, income, interests, and behaviors. You can target users who have shown interest in home improvement or real estate, or even those who’ve recently moved and might be looking for remodeling services.

2. Visual Storytelling
Facebook Ads are highly visual, making them perfect for showcasing your past remodeling projects through images and videos. You can use Facebook to tell stories about your work, highlight before-and-after transformations, and engage users with compelling visuals that build interest in your services.

3. Brand Awareness
While Google Ads captures users who are actively searching, Facebook Ads help you build brand awareness among homeowners who may not yet be thinking about remodeling but could be in the future. By staying top-of-mind with visually appealing content, you increase the likelihood that they’ll remember your company when they’re ready to start a project.

4. Retargeting
Facebook’s powerful retargeting options allow you to reach users who have visited your website or interacted with your social media pages but haven’t converted into leads. By showing them tailored ads based on their behavior, you can re-engage potential clients and move them further down the sales funnel.

Best Stage for Facebook Ads in the Customer Journey


Facebook Ads excel in the awareness and consideration stages of the customer journey. Homeowners who see your Facebook ads may not be actively searching for remodeling services yet, but they’re becoming familiar with your brand. As they engage with your content, they’re more likely to consider your services when the need arises. Retargeting ads on Facebook can then help guide them toward conversion.

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: A Direct Comparison


Google Ads

Facebook Ads

User Intent

High – Users are actively searching for services

Lower – Users may not be actively searching

Best for

Lead generation and conversion

Brand awareness and engagement


Keyword-based targeting and geo-targeting

Demographics, interests, and behavior

Ad Format

Text-based ads with some visual elements

Highly visual ads with images and videos


Pay-per-click; can be competitive for keywords

Typically lower cost-per-click than Google Ads

Customer Journey Stage

Consideration and decision-making

Awareness and consideration


Easy to track conversions and ROI

Strong engagement metrics, softer conversions

When to Use Google Ads


Use Google Ads when you’re focused on lead generation and want to capture high-intent homeowners who are actively searching for remodeling services. It’s particularly useful for:

  • Homeowners ready to start a remodeling project.
  • Targeting specific types of projects, such as kitchen or bathroom remodels.
  • Geographically targeting clients in your local service area.

For example, if a homeowner is searching for “kitchen remodeler near me,” your Google Ad can appear at the top of search results, driving them directly to your website or landing page to request a consultation.

When to Use Facebook Ads


Use Facebook Ads to build brand awareness and engage potential clients who may not yet be actively searching for remodeling services but are a good fit for your business. It’s especially useful for:

  • Showcasing past projects with before-and-after images or video walkthroughs.
  • Engaging homeowners through storytelling and educational content.
  • Retargeting website visitors or social media followers who haven’t converted yet.

For example, you can run Facebook Ads that feature a video of a recent whole-home remodel, targeting users in your service area who have recently purchased a home or shown interest in home improvement.

The Perfect Combination: Using Both for Maximum Impact


Both Google Ads and Facebook Ads have their unique strengths, but they work even better when used together. By leveraging both platforms, you can target potential clients at every stage of the customer journey.

1. Use Facebook Ads for Awareness
Start by using Facebook Ads to build brand awareness and engage homeowners who may not be actively searching for remodeling services yet. Show them your best projects, offer helpful tips, and create interest in your services.

2. Use Google Ads for Lead Generation
As homeowners begin their search for remodeling companies, your Google Ads will capture those with high intent, driving them to your website when they’re ready to act.

3. Retarget with Facebook
Retarget users who visited your website through Google Ads but didn’t convert with personalized Facebook Ads. By staying in front of potential clients, you increase the chances of turning them into paying customers.

To Google or To Facebook… That is the Question


When it comes to choosing Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads for your remodeling business, the answer isn’t either-or—it’s both. Google Ads are excellent for capturing homeowners actively searching for remodeling services, while Facebook Ads help you build brand awareness and engage potential clients earlier in the decision-making process. Together, they create a powerful advertising strategy that drives engagement, generates leads, and transforms your remodeling business.

At Eviva Media, we specialize in helping remodeling companies develop comprehensive advertising strategies that use both Google Ads and Facebook Ads to their fullest potential. Contact us today to learn how we can help you get the most out of your digital advertising efforts.v

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