
Our online resources that help your business grow
How To Have a Strong Call To Action on Your HVAC Website

In the digital age, a call to action (CTA) is an essential part of a business marketing campaign. When you website has a strong call to action, you are telling your website visitors what you want them to do and guiding them through your website. For HVAC businesses, this could prompt them to contact you

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Sell More Tickets With These 3 Easy Website Updates

We all know how stressful it can get to plan a big show or community theater season. After the hours of planning and prep, the question now is, “What can we do to increase ticket sales?” After working with different community theater groups, the Eviva Media team suggests these three website updates to help increase

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Our Favorite Small Business Tools

Running a small business is no easy task. From personal experience there is a lot that happens behind the scenes for things to run smoothly that are often less than glamorous!  We wanted to share a few business tools that help make our lives easier. 17 Hats – Invoicing & Lead Management One of my

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Holiday Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Everyone is gearing up for this holiday season. How will your small business stand out through the chaos? We put together some holiday marketing ideas geared towards small businesses who want cost effective ideas to reach local audiences. Enjoy! Connect with other, similar, local businesses to cross promote your sales, specials. Utilize social media to

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The Scary Truth About Not Updating Your Website

It’s almost Halloween and we are surrounded by reminders of the season: Haunted houses, creative costumes, creepy decorations, and websites that haven’t been updated. I’m not sure about you, but that last one terrifies me! There are so many reasons to keep your website up to date. Let’s talk about them.   Beware of Hackers

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  Looking for a way to put your company in front of thousands of relevant viewers? Display advertising with Eviva Media identifies your target market while they are browsing the web doing things like; shopping at their favorite stores, reading up on current events, connecting with friends on social media, and more. This cost effective

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We have been working with Sunset Playhouse for a while and one avenue of online marketing that has always done well for this community theater is Email Marketing and Newsletters. Their emails keep volunteers up to date, share theater news, and – of course – promote their amazing shows. When we were asked to help

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promote your business through paid social media marketing

  Using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter allows businesses to build relationships between through direct interaction and real-time responses. Is your company’s social networking account working hard enough? Many businesses think that having a social media account is sufficient. However, expert online advertisers recommend promoting your brand with paid social media marketing. Facebook Ads Facebook is the most

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What would you think if I told you that at Eviva Media, we have an advertising solution that only spends your marketing dollars when it works? You’d probably be pretty interested. Let me tell you more about our partnership with Google and search engine marketing (SEM).   Search engine marketing has many names. You may

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how to brand your business online

Accomplished businesses greatly rely on their branding for their success. However, it doesn’t only benefit bigger, established companies. Whether you’re a large or small business, effective branding will make people want to do business with you. When you establish your own identity, you give the world a lens through which to view your brand. When

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Are You Frustrated That Your Website Or Marketing Isn't Getting Your Business Results?

Let us show you things you can do TODAY to help people find your business online and convert more of them to customers.

website audit fail example
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