
Our online resources that help your business grow
Google Algorithm Update

How Updates to the Google Algorithm Can Impact Your Website Rankings As a business owner, you know how important it is for people to find your website on Google. High rankings mean more eyes on your website, more leads, and more potential clients. Keeping up with the ever-changing updates that Google makes can feel like

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Website Rebuild

Behind the Scenes of a Website Rebuild Sometimes what matters most are the things you can’t see. This especially holds true for business websites, which have so many moving parts. You work hard to create an attractive, compelling brand image; what if all your hard work is being undermined by something going on behind the

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Affordable Video Marketing in 2021

Affordable Video Marketing Affordable video marketing is now available to more and more small businesses. As more streaming services become available and homeowners are finally “cutting the cord”, businesses that may have relied on TV ads or are looking for a new way to get their business out in front of their ideal target market

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The Five Biggest Website Maintenance Mistakes

If your website was a risk of going down, you would probably go into a panic. Your business relies on your website for so much, and downtime can cause you to lose sales and potential clients that will be difficult to get back. No matter how you use your website, if a customer can’t access

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The Know, Like, Trust Principal: The Key to Higher Sales

If you are like most business owners, you are always looking for ways to increase sales. What if the “key” to growing your sales was relatively simple and something easy to implement? Well, it is! People do business with companies they Know, Like, and Trust! Think about the companies you choose to work with or

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Is Your Business Information Correct Online?

Having the correct information for your business online is very important. If your phone number, address, website, or other business information is inaccurate or missing, you are losing out on potential leads. If someone searches your name will they find you? If they do find you, will they find accurate information to contact you? If

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Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing

There are two viable ways to promote your company brand. Traditional marketing is tried and true, while some think it’s going the way of the dinosaur. Digital marketing is becoming common on a global level, touching most of the world’s population. To discern which is best for your business, these approaches need to be defined.

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5 Most Important Things Your Business Needs to Be Doing Online

There’s no way to get around it, today’s marketing for your small business must include having an online presence. A pew research survey found that 73% of Americans responded saying they use the internet regularly. Americans with their own broadband internet connection is up to 84 million. The majority of them shop, and access their

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Dont Be An April Fool for a Google Call Scam

Google has powerful tools for business owners and Google My Business is one of them. That said, if you or your business is getting calls from “Google” that you didn’t ask for or expect, it’s a scam. You’ve worked hard to build up your business and you shouldn’t be afraid to use great marketing tools

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5 Ways To Target Your Customers on Google

You can spend all the money in the world for advertising your product or services, but none of it will be helpful if your ads aren’t seen by the very people most likely to use your product. Your plan to roll out your advertising needs to incorporate how to target those people who are most

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