
Our online resources that help your business grow
Is Your Business Information Correct Online?

Having the correct information for your business online is very important. If your phone number, address, website, or other business information is inaccurate or missing, you are losing out on potential leads. If someone searches your name will they find you? If they do find you, will they find accurate information to contact you? If

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Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing

There are two viable ways to promote your company brand. Traditional marketing is tried and true, while some think it’s going the way of the dinosaur. Digital marketing is becoming common on a global level, touching most of the world’s population. To discern which is best for your business, these approaches need to be defined.

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5 Most Important Things Your Business Needs to Be Doing Online

There’s no way to get around it, today’s marketing for your small business must include having an online presence. A pew research survey found that 73% of Americans responded saying they use the internet regularly. Americans with their own broadband internet connection is up to 84 million. The majority of them shop, and access their

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Dont Be An April Fool for a Google Call Scam

Google has powerful tools for business owners and Google My Business is one of them. That said, if you or your business is getting calls from “Google” that you didn’t ask for or expect, it’s a scam. You’ve worked hard to build up your business and you shouldn’t be afraid to use great marketing tools

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5 Ways To Target Your Customers on Google

You can spend all the money in the world for advertising your product or services, but none of it will be helpful if your ads aren’t seen by the very people most likely to use your product. Your plan to roll out your advertising needs to incorporate how to target those people who are most

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Show Your Website Some Love

Does your website look unloved? Is it updated, easy to use, with fresh content and vibrant images? Or is it sad with old dates, and no new events or stories added for some time? Has your virtual foot traffic slowed down or stopped? Are there comments left by readers you haven’t been responded to? Perhaps

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Essential Instagram Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

Since it’s debut in 2010, Instagram has evolved into an exceedingly popular social media platform. When first launched, the app focused on allowing users to edit their photos and share them with their network. Now, Instagram offers a wide variety of features, such as filters, stories, geolocalization, direct messaging between users, Facebook integration, and more.

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Promote Your Dental Practice on Instagram

Instagram is known as the social media platform where users get creative. It makes sense for a dental practice to use Instagram as a promotional tool to target potential patients. The dental treatments you provide are not only geared towards great oral health. You are creating beautiful smiles every day. There is no better way

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How To Reach New Moms With Social Media Advertising

If you look on the cellphone of a mother, you are likely to see several social media apps as her “go-to” or most used apps. Connecting with friends and family, getting advice from other moms, and researching and reviewing products are important to her. As a pediatric dentist, social media gives you direct access to

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How To Have a Strong Call To Action on Your HVAC Website

In the digital age, a call to action (CTA) is an essential part of a business marketing campaign. When you website has a strong call to action, you are telling your website visitors what you want them to do and guiding them through your website. For HVAC businesses, this could prompt them to contact you

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Are You Frustrated That Your Website Or Marketing Isn't Getting Your Business Results?

Let us show you things you can do TODAY to help people find your business online and convert more of them to customers.

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