3 Ways To Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

3 ways to convert website visitors into customers

One of the biggest missed opportunities for your business is potential customers leaving their website. Getting people to visit your website is no easy task, but what happens after someone lands on your website and doesn’t contact you right away?

Businesses spend so much money and effort getting visitors to their site that the next steps feel like an afterthought. A strong marketing plan considers what happens when people get to your site, even if they aren’t quite ready to contact you. After all, the ultimate goal is to get people to take action on your website—not forget about you and end up doing business with your competition.

At Eviva Media, we’ve got several ways to convert website visitors into customers.


1. Provide Value

Informative videos, blogs, and tutorials are a few options to show your value to prospective customers. Not only can this kind of content get people to your site and improve your ranking in search engines, but it also shows customers that you’re an expert in your field.

When you provide free value on your site, you show your audience that you go out of the way to offer helpful tips and advice. A person may use your tutorial to complete a quick fix on their own, but they’ll remember you when the project is too big to complete on their own or they need an expert to get the job done right.

Who would you choose—the established company that is clearly an authority or the company with the barebones website?

2. Make it Easy to Gather Information with Opt-In Forms

People who are visiting your website are far more likely to become a customer of yours as they are already showing an interest in your product or services. Collecting email addresses gives you the chance to stay in touch and share your promotions and updates, directly to people’s inboxes!

An opt-in form can be as simple as a box asking people if they want to sign up for your newsletters or occasional discounts or as complex as a free PDF resource with a full automated email or text message series.

Once you’ve got your email list, you have another channel to keep in touch with those who are already interested in what you do. Email marketing is a proven way to turn leads into customers. We love the power and simplicity of opt-in forms and email marketing!

3. Provide a Method for Effortless Communication

Our third tip to turn website visitors into customers is to make it as easy as possible for leads to contact you. Some people prefer calling to get answers to their questions, so by all means have your phone number posted clearly on your home page.

However, not everyone is ready to pick up the phone, so it’s best to use a variety of methods to help people reach out. Include a dedicated page on your website to let people contact you. It should be easy for your website visitors to figure this out, so put it in your website header for simple navigation.

Also, consider adding a chatbox or messaging plugin to your page. It doesn’t mean someone has to be available 24/7. If you have someone in the office who can manage the chat, then you can put an “away” message after business hours letting people know when you’ll get back to them.

Start Getting More Customers

Now that you know three of the best ways to turn website visitors into customers, it’s time to implement these strategies! Is your company’s website set up to turn visitors into customers? If you want help getting started take the first step and start the conversation, just reach out and request a free call.

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