
Our online resources that help your business grow

We have been working with Sunset Playhouse for a while and one avenue of online marketing that has always done well for this community theater is Email Marketing and Newsletters. Their emails keep volunteers up to date, share theater news, and – of course – promote their amazing shows. When we were asked to help

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promote your business through paid social media marketing

  Using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter allows businesses to build relationships between through direct interaction and real-time responses. Is your company’s social networking account working hard enough? Many businesses think that having a social media account is sufficient. However, expert online advertisers recommend promoting your brand with paid social media marketing. Facebook Ads Facebook is the most

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What would you think if I told you that at Eviva Media, we have an advertising solution that only spends your marketing dollars when it works? You’d probably be pretty interested. Let me tell you more about our partnership with Google and search engine marketing (SEM).   Search engine marketing has many names. You may

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how to brand your business online

Accomplished businesses greatly rely on their branding for their success. However, it doesn’t only benefit bigger, established companies. Whether you’re a large or small business, effective branding will make people want to do business with you. When you establish your own identity, you give the world a lens through which to view your brand. When

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how to start a business on the side

Owning and managing a business is a dream that a lot of working professionals have. Nothing breeds passion and fulfillment like running your own company. Unfortunately, most of these “dreamers” don’t follow through with their ambitions. Most of the time, it’s because of fear of financial risk. Being afraid to quit your job to make

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4 marketing techniques for contractors

Top contractors today revealed four of the most effective online marketing strategies that they use. Details of each type, advantages and disadvantages along with tips on how you can integrate these techniques in your PR’s marketing plan are provided below. Pay-Per-Click Marketing If your company wants to pay only for advertisements that are really being noticed

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optimize photos for website

Studies show that an average internet browser stays glued on a web page for a maximum of only 3 to 5 seconds. Online merchants should maximize this small period of time in order to get the attention of their prospective client. Unfortunately, many companies fail to make the most out of this window of opportunity and

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theater website design

Your theater website has the show schedules, gallery, and site and staff information, but it’s not enough that you’ve got the basics covered. You want people to come and see your shows and the easiest way to put your theater on the map is to get more people to visit and explore your website. Below

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email marketing for theater

Email has been one of the most popular marketing tools in the internet age. Harvest its power for the benefit of your community theater through the strategies below. Keep the fire of volunteerism burning. We can’t stress the importance of volunteerism enough. It is the energy through which a community theater runs. Calling for volunteers

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blogging for painters

Most painting blogs talk about painting techniques, DIY ideas, and budget-friendly paint decorating ideas. While these topics do attract the audience, they may seem too common. With the increasing number of your competitions building painting websites, you would want your website to stand out from the rest. Whether you are a newbie in blogging or simply

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